Brian Okken
Software Engineer, also on Python Bytes and Python People podcasts
Appears in 223 Episodes
103: Django - Lacey Williams Henschel
Django is without a doubt one of the most used web frameworks for Python. Lacey Williams Henschel is a Django consultant and has joined me to talk about Django, the Dj...
102: Cosmic Python, TDD, testing and external dependencies - Harry Percival
Harry Percival has completed his second book, "Architecture Patterns with Python". So of course we talk about the book, also known as "Cosmic Python". We also discuss ...
101: Application Security - Anthony Shaw
Application security is best designed into a system from the start. Anthony Shaw is doing something about it by creating an editor plugin that actually helps you write...
100: A/B Testing - Leemay Nassery
Let's say you have a web application and you want to make some changes to improve it. You may want to A/B test it first to make sure you are really improving things. ...
99: Software Maintenance and Chess
I play a form of group chess that has some interesting analogies to software development and maintenance of existing systems. This episode explains group chess and exp...
98: pytest-testmon - selects tests affected by changed files and methods - Tibor Arpas
pytest-testmon is a pytest plugin which selects and executes only tests you need to run. It does this by collecting dependencies between tests and all executed code (i...
97: 2019 Retrospective, 2020 Plans, and an amazing decade
This episode is not just a look back on 2019, and a look forward to 2020. Also, 2019 is the end of an amazingly transofrmative decade for me, so I'm going to discuss t...
96: Azure Pipelines - Thomas Eckert
Pipelines are used a lot in software projects to automated much of the work around build, test, deployment and more. Thomas Eckert talks with me about pipelines, speci...
95: Data Science Pipeline Testing with Great Expectations - Abe Gong
Data science and machine learning are affecting more of our lives every day. Decisions based on data science and machine learning are heavily dependent on the quality ...
94: The real 11 reasons I don't hire you - Charity Majors
You've applied for a job, maybe lots of jobs. Depending on the company, you've gotta get through: a resume review a coding challange a phone screen maybe another cod...
93: Software Testing, Book Writing, Teaching, Public Speaking, and PyCarolinas - Andy Knight
Andy Knight is the Automation Panda. Andy Knight is passionate about software testing, and shares his passion through public speaking, writing on
92: 9 Steps to Crater Quality & Destroy Customer Satisfaction - Cristian Medina
Cristian Medina wrote an article recently called "Test Engineering Anti-Patterns: Destroy Your Customer Satisfaction and Crater Your Quality By Using These 9 Easy Orga...
91: Python 3.8 - there's a lot more new than most people are talking about
Python 3.8.0 final is live and ready to download. On todays episode, we're going to run through what's new, picking out the bits that I think are the most interesting...
90: Dynamic Scope Fixtures in pytest 5.2 - Anthony Sottile
pytest 5.2 was just released, and with it, a cool fun feature called dynamic scope fixtures. Anthony Sottile so tilly is one of the pytest core developers, so I though...
89: Improving Programming Education - Nicholas Tollervey
Nicholas Tollervey is working toward better ways of teaching programming. His projects include the Mu Editor, PyperCard, and CodeGrades. Many of us talk about problems...
88: Error Monitoring, Crash Reporting, Performance Monitoring - JD Trask
Tools like error monitoring, crash reporting, and performance monitoring are tools to help you create a better user experience and are fast becoming crucial tools for ...
87: Paths to Parametrization - from one test to many
There's a cool feature of pytest called parametrization. It's totally one of the superpowers of pytest. It's actually a handful of features, and there are a few ways ...
86: Teaching testing best practices with 4 testing maxims - Josh Peak
You've incorporated software testing into your coding practices and know from experience that it helps you get your stuff done faster with less headache. Awesome. No...
85: Speed Up Test Suites - Niklas Meinzer
Good software testing strategy is one of the best ways to save developer time and shorten software development delivery cycle time. Software test suites grow from sma...
84: CircuitPython - Scott Shawcroft
Adafruit enables beginners to make amazing hardware/software projects. With CircuitPython, these projects can now use Python. The combination of Python's ease of use ...
83: PyBites Code Challenges behind the scenes - Bob Belderbos
Bob Belderbos and Julian Sequeira started PyBites a few years ago. They started doing code challanges along with people around the world and writing about it. Then c...
82: pytest - favorite features since 3.0 - Anthony Sottile
Anthony Sottile is a pytest core contributor, as well as a maintainer and contributor to many other projects. In this episode, Anthony shares some of the super cool f...
81: TDD with flit
In the last episode, we talked about going from script to supported package. I worked on a project called subark and did the packaging with flit. Today's episode is ...
80: From Python script to Maintainable Package
This episode is a story about packaging, and flit, tox, pytest, and coverage. And an alternate solution to "using the src". Python makes it easy to build simple tools...
79: Fixing misinformation about software testing
Some information about software testing is just wrong. I'm not talking about opinions. I have lots of opinions and they differ from other peoples opinions. I'm talking...
78: I don't write tests because ...
Roadblocks to writing tests, and what to do about it. Some developers either don't write tests, or don't like writing tests. Why not? I love writing tests. In this ep...
77: Testing Complex Systems with Maintainable Test Suites
Creating maintainable test suites for complex systems. The episode describes some complexities involved with hardware testing, then shares techniques for shifting comp...
76: TDD: Don’t be afraid of Test-Driven Development - Chris May
Test Driven Development, TDD, can be intimidating to try. Why is that? And how can we make it less scary? That's what this episode is about. Chris May is a Python d...
75: Modern Testing Principles - Alan Page
Software testing, if done right, is done all the time, throughout the whole life of a software project. This is different than the verification and validation of a cla...
74: Technical Interviews: Preparing For, What to Expect, and Tips for Success - Derrick Mar
In this episode, I talk with Derrick Mar, CTO and co-founder of Pathrise. This is the episode you need to listen to to get ready for software interviews. We discuss ...