Brian Okken

Brian Okken

Software Engineer, also on Python Bytes and Python People podcasts

Appears in 223 Episodes

pip install ./local_directory - Stéphane Bidoul

pip : "pip installs packages" or maybe "Package Installer for Python" pip is an invaluable tool when developing with Python. A lot of people know pip as a way to insta...

162: Flavors of TDD

What flavor of TDD do you practice? In this episode we talk about: Classical vs Mockist TDD Detroit vs London (I actually refer to it in the episode as Chicago ins...

161: Waste in Software Development

Software development processes create value, and have waste, in the Lean sense of the word waste. Lean manufacturing and lean software development changed the way we l...

160: DRY, WET, DAMP, AHA, and removing duplication from production code and test code

Should your code be DRY or DAMP or something completely different? How about your test code? Do different rules apply? Wait, what do all of these acronyms mean? We'll...

159: Python, pandas, and Twitter Analytics - Matt Harrison

When learning data science and machine learning techniques, you need to work on a data set. Matt Harrison had a great idea: Why not use your own Twitter analytics data...

158: TDD in Swift - Gio

Iterative processes that include writing test code and production code together, such as TDD, help make coding fun. All of us that care about developing quality cod...

157: pre-commit - Anthony Sottile

pre-commit started as a framework for running linters and code formatters during git actions via git hooks. It's grown and expanded and now supports an extensive list...

156: Flake8: Python linting framework with Pyflakes, pycodestyle, McCabe, and more - Anthony Sottile

Flake8 is a command-line tool for linting Python projects. By default, it includes lint checks provided Pyflakes, pycodestyle, and McCabe It's also a platform, and al...

155: Four Questions to Ask Frequently During Software Projects - Tim Ottinger

Tim Ottinger has four questions that work great in many situations, from doing homework, to cooking, to writing code, to entire software projects. They are actually a...

154: Don't Mock your Database - Jeff Triplett

You need tests for your web app. And it has a database. What do you do with the database during testing? Should you use the real thing? or mock it? Jeff Triplett says ...

153: Playwright for Python: end to end testing of web apps - Ryan Howard

Playwright is an end to end automated testing framework for web apps with Python support and even a pytest plugin. Full TranscriptSpecial Guest: Ryan Howard.Sponsored...

152: Python Packaging - Brett Cannon

I always learn a lot when I talk to Brett, and this episode is no exception. We talk about the packaging workflow, tools, changes, pyproject.toml, flit, setuptools, an...

151: Python Adventure - Brandon Rhodes

Adventure, or Colossal Cave Adventure, was written between 1975 and 1977 in Fortran. Brandon Rhodes ported it to Python 3, initial release in 2011, and still maintains...

150: A Practical Testing Strategy

Coming up with a testing strategy doesn't have to be stressful. Prioritizing features to test, and generating test cases for each feature can be fairly quick and painl...

149: I don't test my code, "crappy Python" is all I write - Corey Quinn

Corey Quinn is the Chief Cloud Economist at The Duckbill Group. He's also a podcaster and writes a newsletter. And he also automates things with Python. But he doesn't...

148: and testing packages

How do you test installed packages using Also, a couple followups from last week's episode on using coverage for single file applications. Full Trans...

147: Testing Single File Python Applications/Scripts with pytest and coverage

Have you ever written a single file Python application or script? Have you written tests for it? Do you check code coverage? This is the topic of this weeks episode, ...

146: Automation Tools for Web App and API Development and Maintenance - Michael Kennedy

Building any software, including web apps and APIs requires testing. There's automated testing, and there's manual testing. In between that is exploratory testing aide...

145: For Those About to Mock - Michael Foord

A discussion about mocking in Python with the original contributor of unittest.mock, Michael Foord. Of course we discuss mocking and unittest.mock. We also discuss:...

144: TDD in Science - Martin Héroux

Test Driven Development, TDD, is not easy to incorporate in your daily development. Martin and Brian discuss TDD and testing and Martin's experience with testing, TD...

143: pytest markers - Anthony Sottile

Completely nerding out about pytest markers with Anthony Sottile. Some of what we talk about: Running a subset of tests with markers. Using marker expressions with ...

142: MongoDB - Mark Smith

MongoDB is possibly the most recognizable NoSQL document database. Mark Smith, a developer advocate for MongoDB, answers my many questions about MongoDB. We cover some...

141: Visual Testing - Angie Jones

Visual Testing has come a long way from the early days of x,y mouse clicks and pixel comparisons. Angie Jones joins the show to discuss how modern visual testing tools...

140: Testing in Scientific Research and Academia - Martin Héroux

Scientists learn programming as they need it. Some of them learn it in college, but even if they do, that's not their focus. It's not surprising that sharing the softw...

139: Test Automation: Shifting Testing Throughout the Software Lifecycle - Nalin Parbhu

Talking with Nalin Parbhu about the software evolution towards more test automation and the creation of Infuse and useMango. We talk a software development and "shif...

138: Mutation Testing in Python with mutmut - Anders Hovmöller

Your test suite tells you about the quality of your code under test. Mutation testing is a way to tell you about the quality of your test suite. Anders Hovmöller wrote...

137: Become an Author - Matt Harrison interviews Brian Okken

Matt Harrison, author of many Python books, is putting together a course, Effective Book Authoring, to help other people write and publish books. As part of this cours...

136: Wearable Technology - Sophy Wong

Wearable technology is not just smart consumer devices like watches and activity trackers. Wearable tech also includes one off projects by designers, makers, and hac...

135: Speeding up Django Test Suites - Adam Johnson

All test suites start fast. But as you grow your set of tests, each test adds a little bit of time to the suite. What can you do about it to keep test suites fast? S...

134: Business Outcomes and Software Development - Benjamin Harding

Within software projects, there are lots of metrics we could measure. But which ones really matter. Instead of a list, Benjamin Harding shares with us a way of thinkin...

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